Friday, December 17, 2010

Phnom Pehn/Koh Kong

Woke up early for our 6 hour bus to Koh Kong. Nothing eventful occurred on the way.
At Koh Kong we decided to hit the beach because it was so hot. It took us at least 30 minutes to find some scooters to hire because everywhere seemed to be out. At last we found a place that had only one which was all we needed cos Josh had headed back sick. Then some drama of sorts. We headed to the beach with Jamie driving and me (Jarryd) on the back. As we were heading down the road Jamie had a massive brain explosion and headed down a one way turn-off. To make matters worse four cops were sitting down on duty there and so they whistled at us to stop. It was at this point that we realised our brakes weren't nearly as good as they should've been so it looked as though we were trying to do a runner. Eventually we managed to stop about 15-20 metres down the road. The "chief" policeman explained to us what we had done wrong then was about to write us a ticket but it looked like it was too much effort for him to do so told us to pay a "fine" of 5000 riel ($1.25 USD) which he pocketed instantly. More drama was to occur down the road a bit when a car passed us. We moved over to the right to give them some room when we hit a sandy patch and sort of lost control wobbling a hell of a lot and hit some rough, bumpy patches. For a second or two I was preparing for a bad crash and was wondering how bad the damage would be (btw only the driver wears a helmet here) but luckily we survived as Jamie regained control. We finally got to the beach and rewarded ourselves with a relaxing swim in the warm surf and headed back but got caught in a torrential downpour but we managed to get back home home safe and in one piece.


  1. great reporting
    J3 MoonTV wins the Travel Award !!!!

  2. Hey lads,

    I taught Jamie to drive a car but wasn't brave enough to be on the back of a bike with him.
    Jarad wins the bravery award!!!

  3. Phew - glad to hear that J kept his cool and was able to keep you both on the scooter. Hope the police chief enjoyed his dinner that night.
